Sunday 10 November 2013

How to Make SEO of Blogger in Google Webmaster Tools

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when you design your site or Blogger or any blog whether it is on or, you need to be SEO (search engine optimitzation) for your site or blogs. To get appear of your site into the Google search engine you have to make a Google account first Google
New Account Sign Up. After sign up into the Google account get  into the
 Google Web master Tools. You will find your blogger at the front page of your webmaster tools page Google Web master Tools. You will find your blogger at the front page of your webmaster tools page dashboard.

You can Add or remove your site or Blogger by clcking the tab in the upper right corner of the page in Red color named as ADD SITE. Besides the Blogger you can make SEO of other blogs and sites  By including your sites via this red button and you can proceed for SEO Now.
Now click on the URL of your Blogger in the Picture given above and you will find window like this.

you can see in the picture current status, now click sitemap button/link in the upper right of the window.

Click the upper button ADD SITEMAP and the following window will appear in which a small tab opens in which URL of Blogger and an empty tab  appears like this link . fill up the empty tab with "sitemap.xml" only after the Blogger URL in the following window.

Now press the link "submit sitemap" and refresh the window which will appear after pressing it. You will find a window with the report of submitted URL and indexed i.e URL results appearing in Google search engine. You are done now, when you create new page or new post of the Blogger come to this page and repeat again this process to submit the sitemap of the new URL. You have to paste only the words like "sitemap.xml" that you put into the tab earlier. The New URL will appear in this way into the results of the google search engine. In the Above Picture Blue bar of the chart indicates the submitted urls which you submitted now or ever and red bar shows the indexed urls which are appearing in the Search engine results of the Google.
If you want to inquire more about the results status brows Menu given in the left side of the dashboard. From there you can know about crawl errors, URLs which are blocked or not found during indexing. you can also delete the URLs from results which deleted from your live blogger or site.
There is a link which shows the messages about sitemaps which you have submitted earlier.

How to check the blogger results in search results. If you want to see the results how many URLs are appearing in search results then you have to write your blogger URL in this manner into your browser.
[] put in this way into your browser and watch results of the whole blogger in google search results. If you want to search results of a specific URL then also put the same link into brackets and see your results too.


  1. Your posts are awesome because you don’t write extra things in your post which are producing a boring feeling to reader's mind as well as are time consuming. Your post is very short and stick to topic but a complete package. Now I can SEO my blogs more easily and in a more efficient way.

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