Sunday 10 November 2013

How the Labels in Bloggers are so Important

Filled under: , ,

In this article I will try my best to tell how the Labels are very important helpful in managing the different posts when posts are more than 1 in numbers. Actually Labels are just like the web Addresses or URL. One label can be used to manage hundreds or thousands of posts simultaneously. I would like to describe this article very simply so that every one or newbie can be understood easily.
Lets start with entering into your Blogger text mode as shown in the figure below.

Enter at least one label according to your post nature and article matter type. If your post or article is about clothing then put label like, clothe or clothes, put comma ( , ) just after inserting your label. If you have posts or articles resembling each other or want to put several or more than one posts under one label or category then insert "Same Label" to all posts. for example you have created 10 posts and want to operate them under one Label then give all 10 posts with single Label. Besides one single label you can put more than one label to every post. In the above picture I have inserted two Labels for one post. You are allowed to type 5 to 10 labels approximately according to words limitations. When you finalized your Label entry now you can customise labels in label Gadgets

Go to the blogger dashboard and open Layout window of the Blogger.
When you click ADD a Gadget a list of window of several Gadgets will appear before you choose Labels and customise according to the options given in the Gadgets window. According to your customization, labels will appear on the front face of the Blogger in this Manner.

By Clicking one Label all the posts will appear before you in the blogger which were associated with the Label when the Posts were created.
Here is one most use of Label in Page formation or Page Creation. When we make a pages of Blogger  you can associate one Label to a specific Page which we place in the Header section of the blogger. Label can be associated with a page by creating web address page right  in this picture

Put the link of label in the empty tab in the below picture which will appear after clicking the web address tab. The Link can be taken from browser just after clicking the Label. Paste the link into the web address tab Save the button and the job is done. Now when you click the page tab, the associated posts with one label that entered in web address will appear before you. In the same way you can make other pages you like.


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