Sunday 10 November 2013

Sure Online Earning If you have even some skill of Computer

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If any one heard about well, Millions of People are earning according to their skills, eligibility and ability. If you have skills of web designer, Data Entry, Email Handling, Advertising, Personal Assistant, and many More you can earn as much as you can work hard in dollars of USA.
Here I will Give you some tips to be a successful Freelancer on and be able to earn money online.
It is cleared before we proceed to that Payment is verified from oDesk and no worry about it. There is an automated method to withdraw money that you earn from your jobs and working. first of all Go to get sign up.

When You click above given link the above given window will open choose want a job ? sign up Tab, get into the site and fill up form and information which are required by activate your account from the email sent at your email address.

Complete your profile take tour of the site and method of working.Get verified by giving your complete CVs scanned copy of your National ID card or Passport copy, Driving license copy (one of these document).Site has managed hundreds of skill tests. You have to first to take tour of  the "take oDesk readiness quiz" which is a complete informatory tour of the site. In this test or quiz complete method of working of site will be given you.

when you complete this quiz select skill test according to your knowledge and eligibility, If you can do job of data entry, you should select about data entry tests i.e Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, 

Scroll down window and choose the test of your own choice. Skill tests comprises of data entry test, English Tests, Web designing skill tests, about marketing and so many tests.
Remember that To take tests are not compulsory for doing work but are necessary to show off your capability, eligibility and ability to do your jobs with confidence. Skill test enhance the glory of your profile and more chances of job recruitment by the clients during interviews.
If you get success in attracting the clients during interview you can get more and more jobs. Remember that on the forum of there is tough competition among the contractors (workers), in response of one job post hundreds of contractors (workers) apply and present themselves for interview. Only contractors which fulfill the demands and requirements of the clients can achieve the projects (jobs).
Important is that, if you are not skilled in any one field mostly in computer related subjects then you can't get any job on the forum of oDesk.
When you are succeeded in  earning, there is an automated system of with drawl of money. It is your choice to with draw money by paypal, skrill card. Pioneer Card, and other options would be in your account.
Now the question is that whether the payment is verified or not earned from
Answer is that the payment from oDesk is 100% verified and no worry about your earnings. when we brows the oDesk site in our chrome browser a green mark with lockup can be seen which is the sign of verification of a verified site from USA. 
Get your money from the oDesk and enjoy your life as you like.



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